Monday, July 21, 2008

God works in mysterious ways....

Friday J got her ears lowered by a couple of inches and the cut is very cute! We did a quick run by the grocery store and headed to the lake. We made it there just in time to unpack and throw some dinner together before it was J's bedtime. I forgot the cable for the MP3 player so we made the decision to get up really early and head to Wally world to pick up another. Girls have to have tunes ya know! Saturday morning we blew in and out of Clayton in record time. Even stopped by Mickey D's to pick up J's 3 biscuits which were promptly devoured. We were in the lake by 9:30! We are fast & snappy girls!

A glorious day relaxing & splashing in the lake. Daddy G arrived just in time for dinner and read J her new Junie B book so he certainly made up for last weekend. After J went to bed we spent the rest of the evening watching Charlie Wilson's War. Fabulous movie by the way!

Miss Meg's for breakfast. 3 giant pancakes, 2 pieces of bacon, 2 sausage patties, 2 fried eggs over medium disappeared in one inhale. My girl can make food disappear faster than you can say grace.

G & J had a great time with some big bubble makers. Then J was in the water playing with her bumper boat. Squirting everything to her hearts delight! G drove back home to get his trunks and came back by boat. He had forgotten J's lifevest in his boathouse so we loaded up to run pick it up. Just as we got to his cove a boat pulled up beside us and said we couldn't go in and that the lake had been shut down because someone had drowned. J was a little upset about this but we quickly closed our eyes and sent some pink love, blue light and asked God to watch over the person who had gotten hurt and his family. That seemed to make her feel so much better.

As y'all know we were at my lakehouse this weekend because of last weekend's events. J had said that we needed to spent the weekends at my house for 2 weeks to get over last weekend. Boy was that ever a God thing! G said when he was leaving his house there was a boat of screaming people and he didn't get that something was wrong. If J & I had been there that would've really freaked J out! Probably me too.... Sure am glad I wasn't in control of that situation.

Last night J unpacked fast & snappy then came to help me in the kitchen. She was quite the helper too! She VOLUNTEERED to unload the dishwasher all by herself. You heard the "volunteered" right??? Then she asked to cut up the tomatoes and peel and cut the cucumbers. She is really doing great at learning to peel & cut. Very proud of my muchkin! We had home-grown tomatoes which I swear is manna from heaven, home-grown cucumbers, smushed potatoes (courtesy of Sarah in Ode to a Potato), home-grown silver queen corn, and hamburger steak. I am so grateful for everyone that sends us home-grown veggies to adorn our table. Next year I have got to find a place to have a garden!

P.S. They still haven't found the body yet even though the search started about an hour after the accident which was around 11 AM. They've brought in cadaver dogs, 3 sets of divers and rescue boats and no luck yet. Guess it would be fair to say we won't be going swimming.

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