It seems I'm getting worse and worse about blogging. So sorry about that. I've felt really under the weather lately and just can't seem to make the time to blog. Attempts have been made to comment but they have been really sad and pathetic. My apologies.
J is coming out of traumaversary more and more each day. I'm so glad to have her back. We're trying to get with the Thanksgiving program and start our holiday cooking. Notice I did not say baking. :) Well.... except for cornbread for the dressing and cornbread really doesn't count.
We are doing an energy dance every day where we push the fear energy away and bring love and light into our hearts. It's been very cool for both of us. Also, doing a yoga modified sun salutation. We sit in the strong (power) sitting position, facing each other, knees touching with hands in the prayer position, pouring pink love into each other's eyes. Ending with reaching our hands to heaven and then a long hug. Powerful stuff.
Sssssshhhh it's a secret.....we've got tickets to Bon J*vi in the spring. Like up close and personal tickets. Really excited. J LOVES Bon J*vi. Trying to get her prepared for her first "real" concert by letting her watch live performances on y*utube. What did we ever do without the internet?
Spent last night with Cindy. New Moon, dinner, time with Cindy...priceless. Peed my pants from laughing so hard and my sides still ache today. I needed that in the worst way.
In less than a month the private blog will be able to become public. Yay!
Sorry to hear you've been sick! We've had it bad around here, too...did you like New Moon? I've heard it was better than Twilight?
Hope you're feeling better...Have a WONDERFUL THANKSGIVING!!
That last sentence is AWESOME news!!!!
Bon Jovi? I am SO jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for all your help!
I don't know HOW I missed that last sentence!!! Yay!
Oh, but cornbread really does count...YUMMMMMM. Glad J is on the upswing. Happy Thanksgiving!
YOU are the coolest Mom EVAH!!!!!!
hope the upswing continues through the holidays and concert tickets, you really are great!
I LOVE your paragraph on energy dancing. Love love love it. Get well soon.
I love the modified sun salutation idea.
Also LOVE that last sentence, and also that J's re-emerging. Yippee, and hope you feel back up to full speed soon.
My kids have been under the weather for a long time, too.... I hope you begin to get your energy back.
I hope you feel better soon. Yoga is awesome for relationships.
Wishing you a Peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a wonderful day!
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