This precious little baby above has a really sensitive stomach and a very persnickety appetite. She will go many days without eating if it's not something she wants and I have seriously tried every dog food on the market including all the holistic brands. It hasn't worked. She also has a violent, gagging cough several times a day.
After yet another trip to the vet a couple of weeks ago for days of diarrhea I gave up. I have researched and read several books on making homemade dog food. I've lost a dog to stomach cancer something that I attributed directly to her food. After reading the books about the mystery ingredients in commercial dog food it became glaringly obvious that the food was making Puddin sick. The only things that stuck in my mind is that it would be horribly inconvenient and I didn't have the time. Then it dawned on me that I had to "make" the time. #1 Vet bills bad - #2 Can't lose Puddin cause most of the time she's my sanity and the only person in my house that loves me.
Two weeks ago I started making Puddin's food. She's actually happy to eat now and does a little dance as I get her food ready. I'm making a month of food at a time in individual servings and it's not terribly inconvenient at all. Her gagging cough is completely gone and the "end result" of the food is normal. No more diarrhea and vomiting and I "know" what she is eating. My friend, Priscilla, made the statement, "you wouldn't be excited about eating either if it hurt your tummy every time." Well duh Lisa!
J is back to acting neuro-typical and so glad to have her mom back. She had kept insisting that I was just like the Captain in the So u nd of Music so I gave her the Captain for 4 days. She discovered how many privileges she has and how wonderful her life is. I also discovered I'm not cut out to be a drill sargent. :)
Thanks again to everyone for all your support on K's blog. I'm going to try not to neglect this blog as we make our way through K's journey. Also going to try to keep J's life as normal as possible too.
How do you make the dog food? We also lost a dog to tainted food a few years ago...very sad. We have a cat now.
Hi AdvocateMom!
Can you email me? lisaamos at payco.org
I am glad J is settling down. I used to make baby food a month at a time and freeze it. It is nice to hear you sound like yourself. {{{Hugs}}}
That's one cute dog.
I have heard some really yucky stories about what is in commercial pet foods. I am so glad Puddin is in better shape these days! And J. too!
I can't help but smile, Lisa. I love that movie, and I always thought the Captain would make a spectacular Dad, if there was a proper Mom to balance him out!
Glad to hear that there's good news for Puddin' and J. Pulling for you and K, too!
I haven't been online much, but, hey! you have a watermark! YAY! Also, gorgeous picture.
The preservative in dog food is vile and is dangerous to all dogs but particularly Greyhounds who are very sensitive to chemicals.Fresh food is the only way to go, real food with no preservatives, no chemicals..our animals thrive on it.
Wow. Scary not to be able to talk to Puddin and know what's wrong, but glad the homemade dog food is helping. :)
Also, I have really been wondering how you explain to J what is going on with K right now. I hope she's doing okay with it (or both of them, really).
Im glad Puddin' is feeling better. Ive heard wonderful things about fresh dog food, and I should probably make it for mine too. I love that picture too...she has such a human expression in those eyes!
aww, such a cutie pie! poor thing. =( glad you are making homemade...it has to be sooo much better for that little tummy!
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