Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Please excuse me while I cry... a lot.


Anonymous said...

So close, baby. (BTW, next time you are going on a major vacation and think "oo, let's do an intensive emotional therapy for the entire 2 weeks beforehand?"... call me so I can tell you no. xoxo

The Accidental Mommy said...

hope you feel better today!

Blessed said...

i hope the crying was theraputic!!! Still praying for all that goodness pouring out on you!

stellarparenting.com said...

In 24 hours I'll be on my way to you, you'll be almost there and then things will be better and she will get through this

stellarparenting.com said...

In 24 hours I'll be on my way to you, you'll be almost there and then things will be better and she will get through this

Hedged in Beauty said...

I was really hoping to hug you tight in real life this past weekend... have a stinking suspicion I looked you square in the face and didn't recognize you in that moment.

Know you are loved!!!!!

acceptance with joy said...

I know, off topic, I'm not sure why you are crying, except, maybe I do, since I have a couple of kids from the hard places.... but I wanted to get some feedback from you on NR. We are thinking of doing it. Are you still doing it? Is it doing something for your child? Thank you.