Friday, June 20, 2008


Thanks to everyone for all of your positive comments. It really picks me up and gives me much more to be grateful for in my already blessed life.

Since I was attending a CASA appreciation dinner last night we were a little off schedule. J had a really large time drying my hair for me before I took a super-size and super-hot flat iron to it. 450 degrees should straighten just about anything! Then we ran downstairs to do a Reiki treatment which left her very calm and relaxed.

G was on time to take me to the dinner. God bless him! I think it's the first time he's ever been on time! We left J eating a huge bowl of vegetable soup (one of her many favs) and in anticipation of finishing Daddy G father's day present. Her "please don't go mama" tugs at the heart strings and at least these days she really means it. More progress for J.

Dinner was (as always) out of this world at Glen-Ella but the chicken piccata was so wonderful I could have taken a bath in it! My to-do list today includes calling Ed to see if I can talk him out of that recipe! Seeing old friends (and family) and meeting new ones was just lovely. Mary Perdue was the guest speaker arriving by helicopter in the meadow behind the gardens. Honestly she was not as impressive as Stephanie Ayers. Stephanie and her husband have fostered more than 70 children and adopted 5 to add to their 5 bio-children. Her story was very inspiring at the (all volunteer) work that CASA does to protect our children. Our Mountain Judicial Circuit of CASA doesn't have a website yet (not for long because I am working on that even as I type) but here is more info on the work of CASA. Priscilla and I were talking this morning and it was funny that we were both thinking the same thing. If J had had the luxury of having a CASA she probably would never have had to go through much of the trauma she has received and not have had such a severe degree of RAD. On the other hand, if she had had a CASA I might not have her now because she would not have been on the path to me.

Lisa's Gratitude:
1. Awesome daughter
3. Chicken piccata
4. G being on time
5. Priscilla for urging me to attend the dinner.

J's Gratitude:
1. Awesome Mom
2. Awesome teacher
3. Riding her bike
4. Riding her scooter
5. Jumping rope
6. Learning about Crete

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