Friday, October 30, 2009
New Trick?
Annie had a great idea (hoping she doesn't get mad that I've shared this) for one of her kids that has trouble with mom being sick. She could get "sick" a lot. I thought this was a fabulous idea! Lots of practice hopefully will help them actually cope when the real thing happens.
Who knows??? It might actually work.
Thought I'd share here in case it might be helpful. Change it up to whatever is the "hard" thing.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Essie's Too True Tuesday
First thing you would spend your lottery money on! Tell the truth! Spare us the crap about buying your kids a Carousel or paying off your parents mortgage. The REAL truth!
At first I was thinking this....

Then I thought again. This would be destroyed and deemed worthless in a matter of a week by the destruction crew that lives with me.
So I thought this would be better....
Then I read Corey's blog.... a staff. That's where it's at! A chef, maid, chauffeur, construction crew to repair the daily damages, sitters on call whenever I'm jumping off the roof....
A farm where the crazy can run free and wild. Goats, chickens, pot-bellied pigs, alpacas, and other fuzzy critters could be the calm in the storm. Our AT would live on the property in the first house and we'd live in the farm house. She'd be on call....all the time.... Personal trainer who would drag me out of bed every morning and force me to exercise. If you're going to dream you might as well dream big. Oh yeah....everyone would have their very own bathroom attached to their bedroom. This is a deal breaker.
I'd better win the 200 million lottery....not the measly 10 mil.
Pioneer Woman's cookbook is in the it's honor we had this wonderful dish. Except I added sauteed baby bellas to the recipe.
Monday, October 26, 2009
One of those days....
Grateful all of you are part of my village.
J was asleep at 6:30 last night and I still had to roust her awake this morning at 7:15. Normally after we get back from a trip it takes several days of sleeping late for her to recover. We had to go to the dairy in SC early to pick up our order of this divine stuff so she couldn't sleep in this morning. 4 gallons will disappear like hot cakes. It's very common for RAD kids to be allergic to bovine milk but goat milk saves the day. This link explains why a lot of people have dairy allergies. Thought it was very interesting indeed.
Today was a much better day for everyone. Me included.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Big News
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Hi from the beach! We made it. Didn't know until the last minute if it was going to happen. Things were very touch and go for a while. I'd actually canceled Puddin's baby sitter because I didn't think we'd make it.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
We'll be here tomorrow....

The house of unbearably slow internet. While waiting on a page to come up I will cook bacon, eggs and whip up a pan of biscuits, two kids will strong sit and orange juice will be sipped. Maybe just maybe when I look at the computer again I will have a fresh page to devour.
Lows in the 40's, highs in the 60's (hopefully 70's by Thursday). Think the girls will brave the pool???? Sweats and jackets packed just in case. Tomorrow night my feet will be planted in the sand. Seashells will be in my bucket and the ocean will serenade me all night long. No matter how cold it is.
What is up with the cold weather? I've never turned the heat on before December and usually we're still swimming in the lake until Halloween. Geesh. It's freezing. This morning it was 35 and tonight is supposed to be colder. Dang.
Anybody in the North Myrtle area?????
Saturday, October 17, 2009
By Request

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Broken Hearts
Are you her family? Can you help start the healing journey? Can you send up some prayers, hopes, thoughts for this family and this child?
If you would like to know more please email me for details.
Hate mail not accepted. Snap judgements either.
There's a hurting child and family. Please be respectful of that.
For those of you that feel so inclined please link to this post.....this little girl has parents waiting on her somewhere. Please help us find them so she can begin to heal.
Remember that the "powers that be" considered J unadoptable. Miracles happen. Every day.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Trauma Anniversary
Even though I was sick we were not going to miss our 3 hour therapy session today. The girls loved my face mask and surgical gloves that I wore to keep Kristy from being exposed.
The anger that J is feeling toward her birth mom right now is really strong and rightfully so considering the abuse she suffered. Every morning she's been drawing a picture of birth mom and a picture of her anger that she feels toward BM. Thinking I came up with a pretty good idea to help her dispose of "some" of the anger. We're going to keep doing the pictures every day and save them. Next week when we go to the beach (bi-annual vacation) we're going to go to the most horrible public restroom I can find and dispose of them. We'll be in a different state and J grasps that concept really well so I think it will help her feel some relief.
The reason I think it will work for her is because the abusive foster mom is still "in jail" in Kristy's office and it was such a relief to J to put her there. She will still occasionally go make sure she's still there.
She's also working on making a list of gifts (gave birth to her, kept her alive, etc.) that her BM gave her and she has a special box to put them.
More will be revealed later......
Sunday was the worst I've had since being sick. She really made an effort to help and be considerate. This morning she made up my bed and left me a sweet note in the bathroom hoping that I would feel better soon. :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Home Again
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Please take a moment or two to position yourself as comfortably as you can, allowing your body to be well supported....and gently letting your eyes close, if they want to...and arranging it so your head, neck and spine are straight...
Letting your hands rest comfortably somewhere on your body so that you can feel the rise of your body when you breathe in....and the way it settles back down when you breathe out...and you're becoming more and more attuned to the feel of your breath moving in and out of your body....
And now...taking a nice deep, full, cleansing breath...and breathing out, fully and completely...feeling the expansion of your belly with each breath in....and the way your body subsides with each out-breath...
And again...breathing in...and this time imagining that you're sending the warm energy of your breath to places in your body that might be sore or tense or tight.....and releasing the tension with the you can feel your breath going into those places...warming and softening and loosening them...and then, gathering it all up...and breathing out...
So that more and more you can feel safe and comfortable..relaxed and easy...watching the cleansing action of your breath...
And any unwelcome thoughts....those too can be sent out with the that just for a moment, your mind is and clear space...and you are blessed with peaceful stillness...
And any emotions that you might sense inside...those too can be noted and breathed out of your body... so you can be still and a smooth and glassy lake with no ripples...
And now, if you would...relax even deeper....knowing in your heart of hearts that I love you no matter what you can throw fits all day and I will still love you...there is nothing in this world that will ever make me give up on are my child....forever....and forever....and deserve to be deserve to have deserve to be deserve to be are a precious deserve to be deserve to be relaxed and are crystal clean on the deserve to be a normal deserve to have a good home with a family who loves deserve to have a mom that loves you and takes care of you.....I love you with my whole heart and there is nothing that you can do that will change that....forever and are my daughter.... you were born in my heart and will live there for eternity.....
It is safe to open up your heart and let all of the love inside.....your heart is large enough to hold all of the love you are is safe to love one will hurt you anymore....I love you my darling daughter....and I am so proud of you.....
So with every breath you are letting the love fill your heart....feeling it move into your muscle, tissue and bone.....all the way down into each and every cell...
So with every breath, you're inhaling the nourishing beauty of this love...bringing it into your body...breathing it into your heart..and with each exhale, you're more able to release whatever you wish to let go of...
Breathing deeply and easily...taking the peaceful beauty of the love into your body with each in-breath...and letting it move all through you...and breathing out...whatever you wish to release...strong and and out...peaceful and easy....
Sleep peacefully....feeling the love all in your body knowing you are safe, cared for, deserving of all good things....
Knowing in a deep place that this place, this love, is inside you...that you are better for this....
And so you are.....