Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Another One

My friend, Mike Groomer, is at it again and now has Dr. Steven Gray, author of The Maltreated Child, presenting a workshop in Fort Worth. Check out this link for more info. Early registration is strongly encouraged. Fees are $35!

Somebody (no names) has had a pretty bad attitude at different times during the day. Lying about everything. I FINALLY had an idea just a few minutes ago. I told her I was going to ask her some questions and I WANTED her to lie with every answer. It was a requirement. Prescribing the problem. Usually prescribing the problem eliminates the problem in our household. However, this time I stumbled onto something by complete accident.

I proceeded to ask her the color of basically everything in her room (which is pink BTW) and she called almost everything black or brown. Hmmmmm.... Then she started crying and telling me that I should just give her away. I hugged her and reassured her that I was never going to give her away no matter how much she lied. She sobbed some more. Black and brown in J's world is the color of grumpies and yuckies. So I had her blow up her imaginary black balloon with all the blacks, browns, grumpies and yuckies. She blew so hard and so long that she made herself dizzy. Then we threw the imaginary balloon outside. Where it belongs.

She feels much better now and so do I. Whew!

On a completely different note, the wi i really hurt my feelings. It added many years to my age. Hateful thing! Sticking to the walking every hour deal.....today I have walked 4 times and also climbed 40 flights of stairs and I am SOOOOOOORRRRRRREEEE. It may take some asprin to get me out of bed tomorrow..... I'm going to show that mean ole wi i a thing or two...one way or another....


Kristina P. said...

Lisa, you never cease to amaze me.

Paula Perry said...

wow it tells you your age? but it gets it wrong...and it's hurtful to boot.
Don't listen to that thing it doesn't know what it's talking about!

Jo said...

You are soooo intuitive. Your ability to find ways to help "someone" (whatever their name is!) deal with their issues is beyond my comprehension. Way to go. Chalk another one up on the win side.

Torina said...

We did something similar with Tara and her crabby, lying personality. We call her Tara #2. Tara #1 is the kid we know and love, while Tara #2 sneaks in and takes over sometimes. She is a real crank. So Tara would take Tara #2 and lock her in her closet. One day, I walked in and found Tara in her closet chatting away...RETRIEVING Tara #2 so she could be crabby again. Talk about LITERAL. Now we lock Tara #2 outside. Even when it is 30 below (don't worry, people, it is just the personality that we lock outside, not the actual Tara). She cracks me up!

And don't worry about the Wii. It ages everyone I hear. It is a total conspiracy. It's not you.

Alyssa's Mom said...

Sorry that J had a rough day, you too!

But, very glad you figured it out and was able to help her. My problem has been not being able to figure it out!

We are doing OK. Alyssa asked if she could blog today after school - hopefully she will. It seems to help her get a grip on her feelings.

It is SNOWING!!! Big, fat, huge flakes. It is actually really pretty but I think I am ready for spring!

The Accidental Mommy said...

Stupid wii, I agree it sounds like a conspiracy. I like your whole technique with prescriping the problem. I tend to get stuck on the lie because it pisses me off. I get much better results when I tell the offender to take a minute to think about her answer and come back to tell me. Usually works. But I still hate the lying in the first place. Obviously a trigger for me!

Mom of these kids said...

Great, you saw my blog post...so did it e-mail you?? I was on the wrong computer when I posted, and didn't have your e-mail at the time, so I hadn't had a chance to e-mail you myself.

matryoshka said...

The Wii did that to me too!! It called me old and then told me to lay off the afternoon snacks!!! And I think my daughter has attitude :)