Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home Alone

Yesterday afternoon I talked with Mrs. Gaddy and learned that J cried real tears when she discovered Mrs. Kacak's consequence for her bad behavior. I was so encouraged even though Mrs. Gaddy said she had almost cried too because she was so happy seeing J's real emotions instead of the fake crocodile tears. I talked with J last night and told her I was so shocked to come home and discover she wasn't there and to find out where she had ended up. I told her that I loved her no matter what she did or where she was. It was so hard... yet, I know it was the right decision.

I picked up darling M (respite child) at school yesterday and she came home with a vengeance to work hard to get back home. Determinedly she washed the dishes and stock pots then I started her mowing grass in the front yard. I have a manual Reel Mower so you can imagine her excitement. I informed her that if she didn't do it right and fast & snappy the first time she would be invited to mow the back yard. That precious child was out there with scissors making sure she didn't miss a blade of grass. When she was finished she started sweeping out the garage while I checked her work. Made a big deal of muttering "darn it and dadgum" several times to which she started crying (thinking the back yard was sure to come) then I announced, "darn it, my back yard isn't going to get mowed today!" Tears of pure joy poured down her face. Praised her profusely for her hard work and she was beaming with pride! After she finished sweeping she went down to mop the basement floors and did a fabulous job there too. Couldn't find a speck of dirt! My basement is spotless!!!!

This morning I didn't tell her that she wasn't coming back until the school opened the door to let her out in the drop off lane. I told her to ride the bus home this afternoon and she had a smile as wide as Texas across her face.

She had written an apology letter to her Awesome Mom and it was too precious not to share:

My Dear Sweet Mother,

I am so, so, so very sorry for how disrespectful I've been to you lately.

At Ms. Lisa's I have done some very difficult chores but I have only truly worked hard the 1st day and today. I will continue to work hard even after
I come home. I have thanked God so many times (since I've been here) that he created people loving like you and Chris. Also, for the people like Ms. Lisa.

She has given me a rude awakening to the real world, but she has also made me stronger. She thinks (or I think she thinks) that I get mad at her but I really don't.

Anyways, I have been praying alot lately and those athiests can kiss my little booty because He has answered every single one of my prayers!

Now for YOU!!! When I get home to make up for my bad decisions I'm gonna give you and Chris 3 days off. You can pick which days these are but please don't make them in a row. Here is UR one way ticket!

I will:
Give you and Chris a massage(s) of choice (neck, back, feet...) for how ever long you want it to be, respect you and Chris, clean and organize my room, vacuum all of the carpet, load and unload the dishwasher, do all of the laundry, help Chris every day with the chickens and the "bitties", clean the entire kitchen, use my good manners, be nice, sweep off the porch, sidewalk, and back porch, make both of the beds, wash your car and wash Chris's 4-Runner.

Thank you for being there for me for the past 10 years. I will from now on pay you back by giving you the respect you deserve.

Your "New" Daughter

How cool is that!?!?!


laura said...

Lisa its like I keep telling you you are a fantastic person. We should all be so lucky as to have just a little of what you have inside us that makes you who you are. You are truly a role model to so many. Keep up the good work and Please, dont ever change who you are.

Lauri said...


Alyssa's Mom said...

REAL tears! How AWESOME!!!

I know how big that is - it took Alyssa over a year to cry real tears. Once she was able to open up enough, the real healing started!

Way to Go!


marythemom said...

How old is M? Wow! I wish my kids could/would write a letter like that. You are my hero.
