Friday, January 9, 2009

There's Been a Death in the Family

Don't panic. It was just my computer. Although if you heard from me earlier in the day you would've thought it had been catastrophic.

This was the third time my super fancy pretty darn new laptop has died. This time it was the truly the big one. Right. in. the. middle. of. reading. Torina's. post. How dare it?!? It was pretty ugly around here for a bit and poor Sheri had to get a manic email from me today. Hope she speaks to me again. *wink* So while the super fancy too new to die computer is in computer heaven safe from blogger and google reader I am attempting to learn V*sta instead of faithful XP Pro. An old dog is trying to learn new tricks and it could be a bumpy ride.

So now I'm going to have to re-record the videos and put them on this computer. Bear with me.

While I was dragging J from pillar to post all day in the search for a cheap computer she is forever going on about how she HAS to blog. "But Mama, I've just got to blog. I'm helping hundreds of people. My computer works just fine. You don't HAVE to have a computer. You can use mine after I go to bed" Ahem. Excuse me missy. #1 Your computer is sooooo slow (she doesn't have to worry about this yet thank goodness) that I would throw it out of the window if I thought I could get away with it. #2 I'm the Mom and if Mom's not happy no one's going to be happy.

So Stephanie and Martin....she'll answer your questions tomorrow.

Yes, my homestudy has been completed since May but I've not been actively pursuing a placement due to the troubles so it runs out this May. If something happens by May excellent. If not, I don't know if I'll update it or not. I'm pretty tired of doing paper work. I realize this may sound like a lame excuse but we honestly have a lot going on and I'm not sure if I have the patience to run around getting septic tank, doctor, dentist, vet, fire safety, tax returns, and financial statement, etc. approval proving I'm a good home. I've been doing adoption paperwork since November of 2000 (when J was born ironically), dossiers, fingerprints, blah, blah, blah for a long time. If I weren't such a squeaky wheel I probably wouldn't have J now. Because you know I'm single and had no parenting experience. Then I finally got it figured out, squeaked a whole lot and now little Miss Priss is sleeping soundly in her bed. Where she supposed to be...

What will be will be....and if it's meant to happen it will. If not, J, Puddin and I will muddle along.

So now I have a hundred blogs to catch up on.....amazing how fast they pop up when there's no computer around.....

Oh yeah....and while I was losing my mind blogger decided to change my background. I'm not going to tackle that problem tonight.


Tracey said...

Well that explains why when I rushed home after work to check out J's daily wisdom I was disappointed! Sorry to hear about your computer. At least there are tons of great sales right now.

As for the adoption thing, I agree that if it's right it will happen, but I hope it happens. You're too good at this to stop at one!

Sheri said...

I loved the email, it sounded like one of mine.

Maybe you should consider never reading a post by TOrina ever again. I hear she likes to destroy things. Maybe she pee'd on it. *wink*

The Accidental Mommy said...

omg, that is so cute! J HAS to blog! But I am horrified to hear of your loss. Accept my deepest sympathies, please. You should know that it is (probably) in a better place, humming with printers, vcrs, and 8 tracks.
Again, so sorry.

Jeannie Davis said...

Just out of serious curiosity, as I'm new to this yet, what on earth is it that the dentist is needed for in homestudy approval? Everything else was self-explanatory for me, but the dentist's approval threw me.

Kristina P. said...

I wondered where you and J have been! Come back soon!

Jo said...

I think the loss of a beloved computer, gone before its' time is pretty catastrophic! Glad you are back and hopefully you have a permanent solution soon.

Jillene said...

Our computer is on it's last leg. I just hope and pray that it can make it until our Tax Return gets here!!

Annette Anthony said...

Poor computer..may he/she R.I.P.
J is now a blogger addict too! Welcome to the club Miss J!

Mom of these kids said...

Did you get my e-mail? I was telling you to go to that website I told you about, then click on the contact section and fill that out, and it will go to someone that will tell you what to do next.

Also, you can check out the whole state...

Mary is on there too with a description