Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here's the video on the karate chop. It's used to change up energy and prevent a meltdown. Used when a child is dysregulated or dissociated.

Here is the video for the Wilbarger Brushing Technique. You can get them from an OT, Therapy Shoppe or like I did from a next door neighbor that's a surgeon who gave me a whole bag of them.

Much improved day today. I was impressed! J & I went to the beauty parlor to get our hair cut. It was fabulous!!!! I only get 2 haircuts a year and I've been cutting J's hair. However, in December, I talked G into cutting my hair. Thought it was a brilliant idea and as I was telling him how to cut it he held it in a ponytail and cut it all at one time. I never knew it until he handed me a huge clump of hair. Egads! I almost fainted. So much for a nice even cut. Luckily I have LOTS of hair so Robin straightened it all out for me. Woo hoo!

Someone please tell me the difference in a 64 bit browser and 34 bit browser. Every time I try to do anything on the new computer it tells me I need flash. So I start downloading flash. Every time I get a hateful message that says flash does not support a 64 bit browser and to change my settings to a 34 bit browser. How the heck do you do that??????? Not to mention this is a NEW computer. Shouldn't 64 be better than 34? I mean it has 240 GB of memory and 4 G of ram so you would think that flash would be up to speed. Can anyone please help me???? This is seriously interfering with my Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy viewing so I really need some help.

I've also left the fear tapping and rubbing videos up for anyone that needs them.

It's really encouraging to hear families, like Sasha, that are getting some relief from this technique.


Jillene said...

You are so great sharing all of your techniques!! And I have NO idea about any of that computer stuff--sorry!!

Torina said...

Ohmygosh! Those were all so great!!! I had only seen the tapping one. Your J is such a camera ham. That brushing one, every time she remembers the camera is on she just grins like silly. Thank you so much. I am going to try the brushing thing next with Tara. She is all dysregulated lately cause they are swimming in school and this causes her to regress bigtime.

Keri said...

Lisa! Those videos are SO sweet! J steals my heart in each one of them! We used to do brushing too! THe SID therapist recommended it, but I cant get Anastasia to do it anymore :(

Holly said...

We are suppose to be starting a brushing program. Were suppose to see OT today, but since it was twenty below when I woke up we veto'd the OT appt until next week. Can't wait to try it out though.

Jeannie Davis said...

I wanted to say the brushing technique is the same one we had to do on my nephews that we raised. They aren't RAD though but have Sensory Integration Dysfunction combined with their autism. Would you know if there's a connection between RAD and Sensory Integration Dysfunction as the same technique is obviously used for both? Just really curious at this point.

The Accidental Mommy said...

aw, what way cool video's, I was just finally able to look at them. J is SO CUTE!!!! It is just so sweet that she is so sincere in what she is trying to do and helping other people.
I think kids with Autism almost always have sensory issues, but Sensory Integration Disorder is a diagnosis of its own. Like you can have your hair fall out from stress or have cancer, and chemo cause it to fall out. Not the best comparison but my puter battery is flashing me. And not in a good way lol.

Eva Carper said...

This totally works, I just didn't know what it was called! My therapist has used this on me numerous times and when it is over I always feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Kudos on being so open minded to different techniques and sharing this with everyone. It is also referred to as (EFT) Emotional Freedom Tapping