Wednesday, March 25, 2009

GI, etc

I've been recording all the guided imagery in Invisible Heroes for J. They play all night in her room. She LOVES them. I can see the progress daily. I also suspect it's another reason she was so successful in NYC. She's processed a lot. They build on each other as you go through the book so it's important to work through the book and not pick a few randomly.

We've made it into the 2nd section of the book that covers trauma. There's several that come before the actual GI for trauma. She made it fine with the first 2 in the 2nd section but Monday night I started the 3rd one. It's for softening pain so I thought that it would be easy peasy. Not. She was off kilter most of yesterday. About 9 last night it occurred to me that she had started a new one and that this might be a problem. You should have seen me sprint to her room to put it back on peaceful sleep. I was a blur.

This morning she was a little off too. Not bad....just off... Therapy day today. The AT & I discussed what I was worried about and she thinks that until we work through the trauma section that we'll do those in her office then I can go back to the recordings for the recovery section. She said it would be important to have someone holding her while we worked through this chapter. I'm single so we'll do it with Kristy (AT). She's gauging J's reactions and responses while we're going through it. So we cuddled on the couch under a blanket and when we got to the part that said to put her hand on the part of her body that hurt she put my hand over her heart. I almost burst into tears. I was already giving her Reiki while Kristy was doing the GI and I think it was extremely helpful in her processing and that intuitively she knew she needed Reiki on her heart.

I'm passing this info on to all of you if you are using this book (which I highly recommend) please hold your child while someone else is doing the GI during the trauma series and don't do random GI's. Allow them to build. So much of what our kids went through was pre-verbal so they won't have any idea why they feel the way they do so they need someone to comfort and hold them.

My friend, Sheri, took the words out of my mouth today. Go read here.


Kristina P. said...

You really amaze me with all the techniques that you are able to use with her.

Linda B said...

You truly are an amazing mom Lisa. Your intuition with J. is beautiful. When I read about J. putting your hand on her heart, I wanted everything around me to just stop and be, so I could absorb that. That probably sounds crazy. Thank you for sharing.

Jillene said...

You are such an AMAZING mom!! J (and soon to be Special K) are SOOOOOOOOOOO lucky to have you!!

Sheri said...

Aw now damnit Lisa, you made me cry again!

I love ya

Jo said...

It kills me how much this child has been hurt, how much pain she carries. She is so blessed to have you.

~Dinah said...

I've just read many of the reviews at amazon on this book and I'm pondering. I'm intrigued. We have been wondering what direction to go in therapy because Little B is not suffering from behaviors often associated with R.A.D. (although some behaviors are CLASSIC). But maybe it's more PTSD....hmmmm

Hannah_Rae said...

What is the update on Special K? Any word as to when the big day will be?

I am still a little cautious when it comes to the GI...just because I want to be careful where my mind and my kiddos minds are being led too...but I will check this series out.

The Accidental Mommy said...

Good work there Lisa! You are great at figuring out where she needs to go and getting her there in a way that is positive.