Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Whirling dervish

Lots of activity going on behind the scenes....
paperwork collecting, my doctor visit (the dreaded stirrup dr and regular heart/lung checker), much improved mammogram (no pain...who knew???), blood work, yellow water analysis, TB & RPR's, Jordan's doctor, cat doctor, dog doctor, fingerprints taken, reference letters written, financial statements, monthly budget, birth certificates, adoption decrees, sanitation inspection, consent forms, 3 months of bank statements, etc. All done in less than 5 days! Yes....I am indeed superwoman! Not! Sounds good though.... :-)

J continues to show significant improvement. So far everything has been spared from frost. I did cover the peonies last night just to be safe. Tonight I might have to cover the azaleas that are in full bloom. So happy that I haven't planted the flower seeds and sweet potato vines.

My Gratitude:
1. Frost free plants
2. Cholesterol down from 278 to 216 - Whoo hoo!
3. 10 lbs lost
4. Thai coconut soup
5. A healing daughter
6. An afternoon with my mom

J's Gratitude:
1. Swimming
2. Hugs from mom
3. Learning about Solomon
4. A great day at school
5. An awesome mom

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